I find myself once more treading the corridors of academia, and as an ex-pedagogue it's not nearly as frightening as it could be (or was in times gone by). Happily this time I am not tasked with keeping them under control and leave this to their pedagogues. I have encountered a host of undeveloped beings, and without exception have found them a delight. Intelligent questions have been asked and much hilarity has ensued, particularly on a visit to a local librarium. I'm looking forward to meeting more aliens like these this year and hope to instil in them a love of literature and the writing thereof. Visits to academic institutions can be arranged via the book of faces or indeed through this blog.
I have also of late found myself being recognised in local Caffeine Provision Establishments. I'm not entirely sure if this is wonderful or terrifying. Having undeveloped beings who have met me at a pedagogical institution or in a purveyor of tomes, stopping in their tracks to whisper in their mothers' or fathers' ears takes a bit of getting used to. But it is wondrous indeed to exchange a smile and a cheerful word while out and about.
My recently released missive about life in the Qarntaz octad, which follows the adventures of Qea and Adam is being well received across the universe, and I am delighted to have received spectrographs from the Planet Oz and too from the Southernmost Colony, where undeveloped beings can be seen lounging:
up trees,

on golden beaches,

on couches,

...and with idiotic expressions on their faces...

I am anticipating that others too will send me images of the epistle being perused in exotic places...you know who you are! To my intense gratification, a purveyor of tomes in the Southernmost Colony has ordered a batch to be displayed and sold to inhabitants of my previous home planet. I await news and spectrographs from those living in the vast United Planetoids across the great waters too. But imagine my pleasure on hearing that the epistle is being purchased in the planet of the rising sun and in the hot curried air of an ex-colony.
The weather on the Home Planet continues to be chilly, with the need to wear a full length fleecy dressing gown at all times...there, got the compulsory weather comment out of the way...