Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Planet of Authordom

This Britbok has been involved in a whirlwind of activity, school visits, book signings and general Blue Dust:Forbidden type stuff. It's truly wonderful though exhausting and this day in history finds me sounding like a green amphibian who's been stuck in a washing machine for a number of hours...croak...

Being an ex-pedagogue has served me well, dear aliens, and has helped me face classrooms and librariums jam-packed with undeveloped beings to talk about the book and tell them about my foray into the world of published author-dom. Some, it must be said, drifted off into their own visions of outer space, but happily most remained awake and even asked questions, intelligent questions, questions I didn't know the answers to and had to think quickly lest they thought me a numpty. Failing intelligent answers I simply muttered, 'oh floccinaucinihilipilification', and that kept them quiet.

I am also discovering new and wondrous ways to spread the news of said book about cyberspace, and am finding it consumes an inordinate amount of time, keeping me away from the continuing saga of Qea and Adam in the Qarntaz Octad (and this blog). Who are Qea and Adam, I hear you ask? Well, funny you should ask and where have you been that you need to ask? Eh? Keep up!

To follow my alien related twittering, you have but to go to the blue-bird site and search for @katykrump or even, search for her on the book of faces so beloved by us all and hit the little 'like' button. You do like me, don't you? And tell the other aliens within your orbit too, please.

I have to confess to finding putting myself 'out there' just a tad scary...oh alright then, terrifying, but I'm getting better at it and am now able to accost completely strange alien beings in bookshops with a big smile and a cake pop and say in my best English, 'And art thou interested perchance in this small work of literary brilliance, dear Sir/Madam?', and thrust the bluely covered tome under their noses. I'm happy to report that in most instances the Natives are friendly and have even been known to cough up quantities of treasure to purchase said bluely covered tome. I am hoping and trusting the Great Being that a gazillion or so more aliens will too purchase it, and the sequel and the third in the series to be launched into space some time during this lunar orbit. The presence of the large inquisitor at book signings has been of immense help and helped gather the crowds and my sincerest thanks to the alien Inquisitor previously known as 'Ken', for all his help. (now if you've bought the book you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, if not, get thee to the great Amazonian bookshop and buy one!)

And now I must away for the nose needs clearing and the throat needs to imbibe a concoction of honey, cinnamon and other herbifications that I am hoping will deliver me from the 'lurgy' and give me a proper voice to use when I speak at the Yate Public Librarium next week. May the Force be with you until next time.

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