Now, it does include some events from a dark time in the Colony's history, when I was but an undeveloped being, and these events are sometimes hard to read, especially if one grew up in the Southernmost Colony and did not know that the Colony had a vast army of beings flitting around disposing of enemies of the state. And it contains some 'colourful' language, which does not in any way reflect my own language or behaviour. For this is a work of fiction and the characters are creations of my over-active mind, and do not in any way resemble me or anyone that knows me. Really, they don't and if you think you see yourself in any of the characters, believe me when I tell you's not YOU!
That said, I really hope you'll take the time to visit the vast cyber-shopping mall known as Amazon and will go to the section named after the stuff you make fires from, Kindle, and search therein for When Killers Cry, and will download it to whatever technological device you have in your possession. And if you do not own such devices and perhaps still live in the Colony, where it appears these small devices cost a veritable 'eish' amount of rands, then it can be purchased from here:

May the Force be with you all. Now get buying and tell all your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends...I need to make a trip to the Colony to catch up with those I left behind and have not seen for far too long!